Sunday 15 April 2012

Four seasons

Well that was erm.... interesting! Just been for a 12 mile run that pretty much involved every type of weather possible! I set off in light rain that quickly turned to heavy rain during the first mile (two men on bikes were even hiding under a tree for shelter and looking a little sheepish as I ran past!), then stopped and became rather blustery (saw the same two guys later trying not to fall off their bikes on an exposed part of the route they were sharing with me!), then it was boiling hot to the point I was thinking about what layers were removable, and then finally the last mile I got hail stoned - nice! Just spoke to my marathon partner Kat who tells me that she's just done a 15 mile run in baking sunshine - how does that happen that the north-west is nice weather?!?!? It's never been nice all the times I've visited but she even sent me photographic evidence!

Knee news is abit up and down this week - did 10 miles on Wednesday - hardly any pain at all - today it was fine for the first 4 miles or so then was almost unbearable by the end - damn!!!! Kat is having similar problems though which in a weird way reassures me (sorry Kat!) but it makes it seem more normal and therefore more manageable! Bizarre how my mind works I know but there you go!

On the charity front, I'd like to remind everyone who I'm raising money for and why it's so important to try and support them! The Main Project have recently rebranded with a swanky new website and some new services to support young people with Autism Spectrum Disorder and their families. The clubs and events they run for young people not only give parents a respite break but also help young people to develop their socialising skills and have opportunities to undertake activities that otherwise they would struggle to access. Check out their website / Facebook page etc and if you can spare a quid or two to support this fab charity then it would be much appreciated! You can sponsor me anytime 24/7 at

Thank you :D

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