Sunday 26 February 2012

Back in the game

OK so it's been an up and down week! Tuesday was my birthday so for ultimate smugness I went out and did 7 and half miles in preparation for a day of bridesmaid dress shopping and excessive consumption of cadburys giant buttons and pancakes! I was lucky enough to get The Grid from my fiancé - a foam roller for torturing, erm I mean helping your muscles after a run (I did ask for this by the way, not just a random pressie!).

Ive been starting to get a worrying ache in my Achilles and the bottom of my foot recently. I mentioned it to the podiatrist on Wed and he's given me some stretches to work on and apparently I need to invest in a tennis ball! Surely I cant be falling apart just because I've turned 29 now and my body is now in its 30th year?! All my joints are getting clicky so standing up from being sat on the floor sounds awful - its happening - I am getting OLD :O

Anyway, back to running! After my smug run, things didn't go as well, I've still not shaken off this cold properly and I'm feeling exhausted and unmotivated - not good! Had Friday off work on annual leave but woke up with a migraine - great! After a few cups of tea, a morning in my pyjamas and the amazing migraine zapping tablets I have found, I managed to drag myself around Saltburn for a slow, torturous 4miles, but at least it was done!

I'd resolved in my mind that this weekend needed to include a long run so Sunday morning I was relieved to wake up to lovely sunshine & feeling much better! I headed off to Redcar where I met our friend (& best man at our wedding) Joe who ran back with me, clocking up an impressive 7 miles himself. After an attempted sprint finish down the last road to our house which ended in Joe nearly throwing up in the street, I convinced him to try The Grid, which he described as "the worst pain ever". Good eh! The hilarious end to the day was that I dropped Joe back off at home and commented that his good lady wife, Karen, had gone out, to which Joe reassured me that there would be a spare key for him so off I went. Two hours later and I've just got a text saying he was locked out and had to run to his in-laws resulting in his blisters getting bigger and him having to sit around in his father-in-laws dressing gown until Karen turned up with some clean clothes - haha!! Anyway, I'm pleased with how this morning went and hopefully I can get back on track now and push on over the next few weeks! Fingers crossed!

Sunday 19 February 2012

Speaking too soon.....?!?!

Well I think it could possibly be karma? That will teach me for being so smug and positive after the half marathon effort that I breezed through! Did a speed session in the gym the following Monday.... and then it's all been downhill - in the metaphorical sense not the literal - I wish! I've managed to acquire a lovely cold / sore throat / chesty cough combo which meant that by Thursday I could barely get out of bed and get dressed (eventually managing to do so by 11am - thank god for a late start that day!). As part of my birthday celebrations I'd arranged for a group of my friends to come over this weekend from their various locations in the country, including the three other mentalists who are doing the marathon. So the plan was that the four of us would go for a long run on Saturday morning and then meet the others for lunch, drinks, dinner etc etc... but that didnt quite come about!

What a bunch we are! Somewhat thankfully for me, none of us could manage the long run we had planned due to a bad knee (Kat), horriffic blisters (Emma) and work (Gary), plus my horrible cold, but at least I wasnt the only one skiving off! Kat and I decided to compromise and go out and do a gentle, short run but when I woke up and saw the torrential rain and blowing gales I was less than keen to get out there! Thankfully, by the time she arrived and I'd opened my presents (yey!) the weather had brightened and we managed to get out and do a respectable 5 miles with my lungs and her knee holding out quite well. It's always a difficult decision whether to rest or to push yourself when you're feeling run down and rough, because I dont want to get behind in my training, but I dont want to make it worse either if a few easy days could sort it! Anyway, we were feeling quite please with ourselves so took the opportunity to eat a massive plate of fish & chips and then spend the rest of the day in the pub with the rest of the gang - ending with a drunken game of Just Dance and Jaegerbombs. And so my plans yesterday of getting back out for another run today are on hold due to feeling rough again - but dont have any sympathy - it was self-induced! - But well worth it :) Here's hoping for a more productive week this week!

Saturday 11 February 2012

Half-way there!

Well it's been a mixed week in terms of marathon preparation! In terms of getting sponsors and support for the MAIN Project, things are going very well indeed! I've had loads of people contact me having seen the article in the paper and offer to sponsor me. There have been a number of noticeable themes in peoples comments..... 1. what on earth is going on with your hair in that photo? (yes I know, thank you!),  2. You're only 28? I want to see your birth certificate! (erm thanks very much u cheeky sod! I am nearly 29 though to be fair!), 3. do you always wear make-up to go running in? (no - of course not but I thought my usual running look of bright purple face wouldn't look too appealing in the paper), and 4. 26 miles? are you mad? (Yes).

On the running side, however, things haven't been progressing quite so well! After my 9m run in the snow last Sunday I was left with all sorts of aches and pains Monday and Tuesday so I just went to zumba those days and left my running shoes at home. Wednesday and Thursday went by in a blur due to long days and endless hours in the car because of terrible conditions on the roads and before I knew it it was Friday and I didn't want to run last night because I had planned to do a long run this morning. So we went out for a pizza and a bottle of wine instead! Hmm not the best week of marathon training, but interestingly this gave me more motivation and energy (probably both driven by fear and guilt) to get up at a reasonable hour this morning and head out for a long run. And run long I did! Half a marathon to be exact - and do you know what? It wasn't even that bad. For YEARS I wanted to run a HM in under two hours but struggled with the training, my confidence and the belief that I could do it. Now, I just get up on a saturday morning go for a nice little jog to redcar and back and low and behold I've done it again. When I last did the GNR in Sept 2011 I did a PB of 1:48, - we hammered the first 9 miles at 8min pace before I hit the wall and struggled through the last four miles with Ste's encouragement! Today, I feel that I took it pretty easy but in the end it was only 9 mins slower than my PB! Could this be progress?!?!? I hope so because in 15 weeks time I'm going to have to run twice as far!

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Fame at last.... *gulp*!

So tonight my mobile rings whilst I'm at work and it's my grandparents, both talking at the same time down the phone as usual, but I managed to decipher that they were trying to tell me that the local paper has published the article about me running the marathon for the Main Project (click here to see it!). So I frantically searched the online paper and then nearly drowned in a wave of cringing as I see my face grinning inanely back at me. Fortunately the 'close up' shot that was in the printed edition of the paper has been left out of the online article so thankfully that won't be hanging around in cyberspace to haunt me for the rest of my life! I'm pleased at the publicity it's generated for the charity and the money I'm trying to raise, but it's taught me a valuable lesson in checking what your hair looks like when you're running and not just when you're standing still! You'll have to have a look now to see what I mean haha! The night only got stranger when I got home and looked on Facebook, only to find that several of the local community groups had already spotted the story and broadcast it to all their members! Might have to start wearing a disguise when I go out running now!

Sunday 5 February 2012

Snow fun!

Well today's run was interesting! Full-on blizzard conditions yesterday whilst I was sat watching Boro in a bore-draw meant that it was nearly bedtime before I could actually feel my fingers and toes again! So I'd funnily prepared myself to be heading off to the treadmill this morning to try and get a long run in. I was sorely tempted to skive off and stay in bed but the fear of it being only 16 weeks TODAY until the marathon made me drag my lazy backside downstairs and pull my trainers on. It was then that I saw a couple of people out running in the snow - and so the competitive streak struck me again! No way could I wimp out and go to the nice warm gym if there were other people out running in the snow, so I got changed into some more appropriate gear to brave the elements and headed out. Now I'm not much of an expert when it comes to running in the snow, but I've found out that the nice crunchy stuff is quite good for running in and there was a nice sprinkling of it awaiting me!

Now, I'm quite used to people looking at me like I'm abit strange when I'm out running, probably something to do with the bizarre clothing combinations of clothes I wear, the shock of seeing my make-up-less face or perhaps the slightly worrying purple / luminous red colour I tend to go when out pounding the streets. Today, however, was in a whole new league. People looked at me as though I was actually insane (which I probably was I realised after the first mile or so!) By the time I got to the next town and splashed through a few slushy puddles, I was thinking I might have made a bad decision. I opted to stick to flat, straight roads to try and minimise the likelihood of breaking my neck. I have to say though that there was no danger of getting bored running in the snow, I was on high alert the whole time, scanning the floor and horizon for signs of icy patches that might lead to an embarrassing fall or even an untimely death. By the time I got to 6 miles though I'd had enough so opted to hit the beach earlier than I would usually just to get away from the stress of having to watch my every stride and having to hold back from hitting the ground too hard. It certainly was a relief to be on the non-slip sand (although there was some snow on the higher parts of the beach which never fails to amaze me!) and the last three miles went surprisingly quickly despite the monotony of running toward the pier that never seems to get any closer! There were a surprising number of people out on the beach enjoying the crisp, clear day although I didn't see any other runners so all their looks and smiles of pity / sympathy / horror were saved just for me!

Needless to say I was glad to get back home in the warm, away from the knowing smiles of people who have clocked my madness! Have been slightly pleased with myself all day though that I did go out in the snow, as though that counts as extra points somehow - ridiculous I know!

I also had some strange looks yesterday as I ran up and down the road in front of my house (in a running vest despite it being -4) whilst the photographer from the paper took photos of me for the article they're hoping to run soon. I'm pretty sure he got the shots he needed the first time but then he just wanted to make me look and feel even sillier as the local dog walkers and residents watched on in amusement / disbelief. It was only after he drove off that I realised I hadn't asked to see the photos so god only knows what they look like! I guess I'll have to wait and find out when it's in the paper....... uhoh!

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Oversleeping.... ooops

So this morning I had planned to get up early and do 10k before I headed out for the day. Unfortunately my arm had other ideas when it reached out and repetitively pressed the snooze button on my alarm clock - oooops! So I ended up with less than half an hour to get a run in - no chance I would be able to get that distance in with the time I had! It was tempting to roll over and snooze for another half an hour but reminding myself that I'd regret it later I dragged my lazy backside out of bed and pulled on my kit to head out into the freezing morning air. I think the combination of being very cold, very tired and very late led to the obvious decision to do a speed run. Recently I've been trying to get the distance in (apart from when I'm messing about on the treadmill playing my silly mind games!), so I thought I'd take the opportunity to mix things up abit. When you're trying to go as fast as possible it always helps to go at times when there are loads of teenagers milling about who have the potential to mock you so it was perfect then that I managed to time my run with the entire teenage community heading into school for the day! The result of this was a quick 5k at sub 8 min speed and even time for a cup of tea when I got back - every cloud and all that! Maybe I'll have to oversleep more often :)